Property Services

1st Property Services & Brokerage


cleveland ohio fallen tree

 Did you know when you experience loss covered by your Property Insurance Policy, its your primary obligation and your duty to, report and prove your loss?
Owners are obligated to prepare and document their damage and make it available for inspection by the insurer.  This needs to be done by a  trained professional;
Our team includes licensed  Public Adjuster that are your advocate on your. behalf.
Our experts include  adjusters, structural engineers and experts meet property owner's obligation to prove the loss; defending their claim.
Insurance company's adjusters work for the Insurance company not you. Their adjuster's job is   to limit the dollar amount of the loss (their phrase "Controlling Loss Severity") . Avoid costly pitfalls. Maximize your claim settlement. We conduct free Policy Reviews.  Metro Public Adjusters strive to  “Educate & Protect Policy Holders”.



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 SHORT SALES; Many lenders participate in  short sale. Federal Reserve has stream lined methods with short sale programs. Dorothy Nicklus works with your lender and their short sale program.
Taxable debt forgiveness?? Until recently mortgage, debt forgiveness resulted in taxable income. Under the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act  you may be able to exclude up to $2 million of debt on your principal residence.
Timing is critical when managing Tax Liens solutions. Tax liens are not processed like mortgage foreclosure cases. Tax  foreclosure cases are straight forward. Your property is lost once the final judgment is entered. Entry of a final judgment in real estate tax foreclosure cases serves to transfer title of the property to the foreclosing plaintiff.
 Control your sale by listing it thereby notifying the lender and the court you are seeking to settle the debt.



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Auction Marketing Turns Assets Into Cash. Sell efficiently, effective on your schedule.Accelerate the sale.

.Auctions may be the most valid forum to find  true market value for many properties.

The accelerated sale at auction provides sellers two factors missing from the traditional negotiated sales process: 1) a set time frame, 2) control over the sales process.

In a marketplace where value is rising the auction captures the market rise in addition when the market is uncertain  auctions demonstrate where market equilibrium should settle.

 The Auction brings qualified buyers to sellers ready to sell on a date they pick for the sale and for closing of title.